Vista Sidebar

This page can be used to configure Vista Sidebar options for the Hardware Monitoring feature. Please scroll down to read explanation for this page.


Enable Vista Sidebar support

This option can be used to enable publishing sensor values to Vista Sidebar. The AIDA64 Sidebar gadget is automatically copied to the Sidebar gadgets folder, but the gadget itself needs to be activated manually by adding the gadget to the Sidebar by pressing the plus ("+") icon on the top of the Sidebar. Supported operating systems include Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7. Windows XP with Vista 5744 Sidebar for XP
is also supported.

Show header

A small header is displayed on the top of the Sidebar gadget when this option is enabled.

Display labels on Sidebar

Labels are displayed on the Sidebar gadget when this option is enabled.

Align items to the right

Items are aligned to the right on the Sidebar gadget when this option is enabled. When this option is disabled, the items are aligned to the left.

Use HKLM in Registry

When this option is enabled, AIDA64 uses HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE path in the Registry to store measured temperature, voltage and fan speed values. When this option is disabled, AIDA64 uses HKEY_CURRENT_USER path in the Registry.

Background color

This option configures the background color of the AIDA64 Sidebar gadget. Background color should be selected to ensure proper text readability.